The Impossible is Possible Tonight Ok, it's time to summarize what I lived those days, and that was the best weekend my life.
Saturday April 19 Groups present:
-Le * Pop-Cafe
-Babasonicos-Incubus-The Smashing Pumpkins
arrived around 4:30, was half full and the concert area , so we went to find a place where you could see fairly well. First
started a mix of artists from Costa Rica, I think it was 3 and each sing a song. That was around 5:30 so here in terms of timeliness, great.
The first group that left was Le * Pop, a Costa Rican indie pop / electronica with funny lyrics, really almost did not see, I do not attract much attention and people around me either. Cafe
The first highlight of the night, though that could see up to 10 times (I had a lot of towers in front of me) I think it played very well, made all the people started crazy and jump, played songs both old and recent. The people at the end and we finished asking more pleased with "Eres" and "The Dance and the Salon" wanted more, but failed: (definitva one of the best Latin American bands.
Continue to Be All I have
Zero and One
Back To Start
Chilanga Banda Banda Ungrateful Girl
Dejate Caer
You Dance and Hall
When they started playing, we went to eat, so I can not say that such were, but I heard that people were throwing.
The reason why many came to this festival, one of the most expected by the public. As I played pretty well live, Brandon Boyd thanked the audience in English, "Thank you Costa Rica." Addressed issues quite well known as Drive, Are You In, Anna Molly, Megalomaniac (which I wait with many cravings). I would have loved to sing "Love Hurts" as well.
Setlist: Quicksand
A kiss 2 send us
off WYWH
Anna Molly Are you in? Favorite Things
A Crow Left of the Murder
The warmth
Megalomaniac Pistola
(Brandon Boyd shirtless = TOTAL WIN) SMASHING PUMPKINS
The highlight of the night, reason why I went to this festival, Incubus ... when I finish all I did was my way and try to get out to see the pumpkins in the end get a good spot.
all started with Today, Billy left everyone we sang the first verse of Today:) buenisima song to open the concert. Then they played Tarantula and here was crazy people jumping and rocking with the pumpkins, then nothing more and nothing less than one of my favorite songs ... Stand Inside Your Love, nobody on my side knew it, so I was the only "crazy "I was belting out. Then the Hummer, after the full moon above us (which gave him an incredible feeling) played one of my favorite songs, not only pumpkins, but all, I love the lyrics ... simply collapsed when they started to sing Tonight, Tonight, stop thinking about everything that bothered me and Jodie, just wanted to live that moment, the entire audience jumping and singing all to the song, from beginning to end ... died with each stanza the song ... "The Impossible Is Possible Tonight." Then we went to an orbit with Superchrist rock and Cash Car Star Then Billy pulled out his acoustic guitar and we dedicate the next song ... 1979! total madness!. Then they played another of their new album "That's the Way (My Love Is)", then returned to MCIS with Bullet With Butterflies Wings, and as the song was invited, not all pusimo crazy from "The World is a Vampire" to the end in the chorus was a brutal thing, I rot my voice to the cry "I am still just a rat in a cageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" then started a very rock wave that began with Ava Adore D:!, then with a cover of Pink Floyd , Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun and there too Britnet play a cover of Spears, Piece of me ... Billy said "You want to piece of me?" and the public were answered "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" haha, and played United States, where Billy was very virtuous and walk around with the guitar, with those 3 songs I am a very heavy wave and rock, great! Then the lights and went ... but we left so they returned to play Cherub Rock you can see here in all its glory hehe. Definitva
never imagine seeing them live a dream come true, something to cross off the things I have to do before you die.
Today Tarantula Stand Inside Your Love
Tonight, Tonight
Cash Car Star
1979 (acústica)
That’s the Way (My Love Is)
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Ava Adore
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (Pink Floyd)
United States
Encore: Cherub Rock
Bullet With Butterflies Wings:
And of course, Tonight, Tonight:
Anyway, great concert, very good band, I hope to continue doing this festival and bringing high-level artists like this time. Perhaps encouraged me to write about on Sunday, but that day was something else ... That