The gifts of "birthday" of Daphne, which was last April 15 and could not have you anything ^ ^ U The two I love, are well made and you are a perfect ^ o ^
On the other hand, I'm glad I Arashi enjoyed it as much as in the official photos. The prices achieved are horrible>. \u0026lt;If it is mono but has something that just convinced me in the face ... and that body as articulated, nah ^ ^ U I'd rather it look more presentable to ask all these poses ...
My mom tries to convince you not ask XD Lindsay says she does not see the case to take two dolls with the same face (which is not the same face!) Because it tells me it's boring pictures I have taught XDDD the F-05 and says they are just the same, I do not think so ^ ^ UA truth she likes the F-13, F-14 and F-18 (I do not like the F-18> __ \u0026lt; :) But no one wants to buy it, well worth it xP The F-13 if I like, I've seen several and the truth is they are very pretty * ^ ^ * But would not change my Lindsay for her ... the F-14 will see Midori most expensive grown-up than an F-05 small Daphne poor sister would run out and Darren have now two XDDD And both are unique Sato lazy ^ ^ UUUU
Or you may have to buy mine before? The truth is that both make me the same excitement, and I find it fun to have two little ones and pure ...
Aghhh I stop thinking and SD and continue studying at night to sleep on it XDDDD
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