cut content So. ..
Thursday December 25, 2008
god I did not know what to do. I was watching lela walk through the store and then, standing in front of me and ask with a voice - strangely - snore: I wrap this gift please?. Maaigod.
was just the same. Seriously. The involuntary actor porn movie that excites me as I stood in front of me and asking for a fucking gift wrap him for who knows how blessed child.
Maaai god.
What is a toy tricky.
not even imagine to infants who are parents.
How ironic that asked me to wrap a toy, poof, - I - should devote to sell - yes - toys, but another type. Snif.
I do not think you'll see. Snif.
Wednesday 7 January 2009fin of Workie was just the same.
Wednesday December 31, 2008 as ...
happy note new ! Yey = D !
Saturday January 3, 2009
you know what dying to buy Jappie tois? Playmobil
. Ah what the hell ...

... think I'm going to spend my earnings on toys. Snif
the end I bought ...
... I fell into temptation! : X
anyone want to play? ;)
Hey you ... you, over there. Yes. You heard us talk. You who, delicately blue shed light on our shoulders. Hey you. I'm dying of excitement. Yes
you. You. I love them. I love them. I love them. The back to worship. The again I feel. Y. .. see. Yes Hey you ... you my dear, dear gods.
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